Friday, August 28, 2009

Tree Climbing Dog Forgets “Down” Command
March 25, 2009

Focus. It’s not just a car made by Ford.

It’s a skill that allows some to be better than others.

We’ve all experienced moments of intense concentration, where both time and space cease to exist. For me this mostly happens when there’s a beef stroganoff frozen dinner being cooked.

For others, this zen-like state is brought on by the thrill of a hunt.

That’s my theory anyway, for there isn’t any other way to explain this story.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – A Tennessee family’s young hound dog may turn out to be quite the bird dog.

“Buford”, a 5-month-old hound mix, had to be rescued by utility crews after somehow climbing to the top of a 20-foot tree in his family’s Knoxville yard.

No one saw Buford make his way up the tree, but by the time his rescuers returned him to the ground a small crowd had gathered.

Tyler Wilson, Buford’s owner, says he’s never seen anything like it.

Climbing trees isn’t just for cats anymore, and if I have my way they won’t be the only ones pooping in the house either.

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